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Our Expertise

We specialize in answering proteomics based biological questions. We aim to facilitate research with translational potential and create a positive impact on human health & well being.
Discovery proteomics

Recent advancement in mass-spectrometry (MS) has opened tremendous opportunity to identify several hundreds of proteins in a short 1D-MS run.


However, a 2D-MS/MS run can detect several thousand proteins depending upon sample type. Thus, high-throughput MS approach offers great potential for identifying novel protein candidates in a range of samples. 

Omics data-analysis

Biological data (discovery or validation origin) requires careful analysis and interpretation of processes and underline mechanisms. This helps in establishing confident relationships between system level interactions of molecules.

Bioinformatics tools such as PANTHER, KEGG and IPA pathway analysis combined with principle component analysis, hierarchical clustering help in understanding systems at much deeper level.

Validation proteomics

Once a novel protein of interest is identified, it requires validation in a large sample population. Antibody-based ELISA is often a method of choice, but on many occasions, antibodies turn-up as unreliable reagents.


Therefore, MS-based Selective Reaction Monitoring (SRM) offers an alternative approach for absolute quantitation of proteins where antibodies for ELISA are non-specific.

BioTech consulting

We are passionate about sharing our knowledge and help our clients to accelerate their projects. We would be delighted to provide our experience and expertise in domains of protein biochemistry, analytical separation of bio-molecules, data analysis and systems biology.


During various stages of our scientific career together we have helped facilitate academic and industry projects with our subject knowledge.

Protein phosphorylation

Post-translational modifications (PTMs) play a critical role in biological processes, including regulating cell survival and communication.


We have established several procedures and protocols to study protein phosphorylation in diverse biological samples. Our expertise and SOP's can be directly translated into your research and expedite answering your biological questions. 

Case studies

Nephrology: Acute Kidney Injury in patients undergoing cardiac bypass surgery.

Protein validation: Absolute quantitation of protein using isotopic standards and SRM.

Leptin Deficiency: Dynamics of Plasma Proteome during Leptin Replacement Therapy. 

Rheumatology: RA patients receiving anti-inflammatory therapy (Infliximab, MTX).

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